The seams unpicks itself in a slow,
methodical unravelling. We take it in turns
to tug at loose threads. We have this hook
you see: the way your gravity still snags
those who spin in your orbit, the pull
of the event horizon to the point
where I collapse and fold in
on myself.
Maybe this is the wrong metaphor.
Perhaps we are a book come loose
from its bindings,
our spine ready to drop its leaves
like a tree in free fall.
EM Davis
EM Davis (she/her) is a poet and musician who resides by the North East coast. Her poetry centres on postnatal depression, OCD, love, desire, and the definition of the self. Her work is published in 'Ballad Of' magazine, and she'll have a number of poems featured in 'The Bristol Mutter' as well as the 'Kaleidoscopic Minds Anthology'. Online, she's found @ifgoldrusts