I longed to see this man Shanks' pony,
Brush its mane, feel its shy oaty breath
Ruffle my fingertips. Be helped up, foot
In hand, leg over its broad, low barrel
Kick-scrambling for purchase until at last
Sweet relief of face in neck, lopsided
& stately progress. Instead of all this
Walking, endless walking dad made us do,
Trailing about town on mystery errands
When we were 'between cars', when
He had the wrong kind of car, when
He was too proud to accept a lift
In someone else's car. Which was always.
Victoria is a Northampton-based poet scribbling in the margins of past heartaches and current joys, motherhood, nature, and somewhat obscure philosophy. She often finds her jumping off point in surreal questions from her five-year-old. Victoria's work has been featured in Flight of the Dragonfly’s ‘Flights’ e-journal (issue 9). Forthcoming publications include Freeverse Revolution Lit mag's 'Compass' edition (out in October), and a Flight of the Dragonfly print anthology (out in December).